Very often people give comfort to each other by saying, ‘don’t lose hope as everything will be alright’. But what happens to when we are distressed and are unable to think right, the mind is occupied with negativity and hopelessness. During such testing times, we must not lose hope and stay calm. When we are confident, it gives us the energy to keep going ahead despite the difficulties in life. An individual finds strength in staying confident about every situation and overcoming all the problems.
Breast cancer is an illness that affects the person emotionally, physically and financially. Every year, many women are diagnosed with it and do the treatment at a much-delayed stage. People are not aware of several options post-surgery that can help them lead better lives.
Women are recommended to go for mammography when they cross 40 years of age and beyond to check for any trace of breast cancer. The mammography will help the woman with early diagnosis so that treatment can begin on an immediate basis. Doctors advise mammograms every year and even the woman should do the clinical breast exams and self-exams to know if cancer is lurking around. Hence it is essential to go for mammography at regular intervals once they cross a particular age.
For women, the most significant part of her body is the breast. Breast cancer is when cells in the breast grow out of control. It can begin in different parts of the breast either in the cells of the lobules, which are the milk-producing glands, or ducts, the passages that drain milk from the lobules to the nipple. Obesity, lack of physical exercise, alcohol, children born at a later age, prior history of breast cancer, and family history are some of the causes that develop breast cancer. Women should watch out for signs like a lump in the breast, skin dimpling, fluid discharge from the nipple, breast shape changes, a newly inverted nipple, or a red patch of skin.
Breast cancer is treated with surgery, followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or both if required. Sometimes additional treatment includes hormonal therapy, targeted therapy. Types of surgery vary from breast-conserving surgery to mastectomy as advised by the medical team. Breast reconstruction may take place at the time of surgery or a later date.
Any woman will respond sadly after she loses her bosom to breast cancer, irrespective of how old she is, or what her relationship or career status is? There will be feelings of anxiety and grief because the breast is an important part of the body which made feel complete. Her sensuality is gone and she feels very insignificant among the rest.
Many women experience difficult changes related to sexual life as well. They are unable to feel good about their body and there is a feeling of incompleteness within that impacts their confidence. Breast reconstruction is the technique wherein the surgeons restore the breasts using the patient’s tissues or may opt for implants. What so ever is the patient’s decision, the procedure will begin accordingly. She can regain her confidence and feel good about herself and lead a better quality of life.
Emotional factors of women – Strong, positive vibes, Inner will power, faith in God, being happy, Confident.
Women after the reconstructive surgery feel good about the way their body appearance. It enhances their self-esteem and gives a boost to their confidence levels. The breast reconstruction makes them feel good about themselves as the flat chest always reminded them of what they had lost. She begins to feel positive about everything and is happy about the decision of breast reconstruction. The woman feels strong from within and works on herself so that she can be recovered completely and live life enthusiastically. She does not lose hope and wants to achieve everything that she initially thought she would not be able to do.
After the reconstruction surgery, the woman feels more connected with God as the tough journey of fighting breast cancer was only possible because of her faith in the divine powers above. She feels spiritually strong as surviving the cancer was not at all easy because the woman undergoes an emotional turmoil. The woman is confident after the reconstruction and she loves herself even more. The restoration has altered your body image and so it won’t be the same as it was before, rather the woman must readily accept the new changes she feels.
Breast reconstruction greatly helps to cope with the mental stress caused by breast cancer and the subsequent treatment. Women have a positive outlook and realistic goals after breast restoration and body image. The creation of a new breast enhances self-image and confidence.
Post breast reconstruction surgery, the patient will experience some discomfort for a few days and it takes a few months or even years to recover from the operation. The woman has to compulsorily avoid overhead lifting, exhausting sports exercise, and sexual activities for 4 to 6 weeks after reconstruction. It may take as long as 1 to 2 years for tissues to heal fully and scars to fade but you need to accept your body the way it is.
The reconstructed breast’s shape will slowly improve over the months. It is mandatory to go for regular check-ups and women can start to get back to normal activities within about 6 to 8 weeks. Always keep doing self-examinations of your breasts every month, and have an annual mammogram. The doctor will provide you with medicines to help control pain and other discomforts. If implants are used without flaps, recovery time will be short.
Life after breast restoration seems different but is better than the breast cancer phase. The restoration does not give the normal feeling to your breast, but some feelings may return after years. It may take up to about 8 weeks for bruises to heal and you need to stay calm during this entire time. There will be a time when the woman who has undergone reconstruction or mastectomy may go through a period of emotional stress.
The entire procedure right from diagnosis to surgery and then breast restore keeps playing in the mind, and it takes time to accept the reconstructed breast’s their own body part. Talking with other women who have had breast reconstruction will be of great help or with mental health therapists to ease out anxiety and other disturbing feelings. Breast reconstruction is done after a mastectomy to reduce the psychological impact after the surgery. This restoration helps the woman find her self-confidence again and feel better during this recovery phase.