Top studies suggest that physical activities and exercises are safe during & after breast cancer treatment. It improves the body function and feel of the body. Doing certain activities after the treatment helps drastically reduce fatigue and help regain a sense of control. And there is no requirement to buy an expensive gym membership for it, as the activities can be done at home. The ability to do exercise during treatment is dependent on the overall health of the patient and the physical condition during diagnosis.
In the past, doctors have been advising the reduction of physical activities after the cancer diagnosis but new research suggests that it is all good to continue some activities. Although, if movement causes pain, rapid heart rate, or shortness then it is still advisable to resist the activities. Are you involved in physical activities? If no, start slowly and carefully only after your doctor’s consent. The body can experience muscle weakness, loss of function, and reduced range of motion with too much rest. Doctors across the world are urging their patients to be physically active during and after the breast cancer diagnosis.
Consult your doctor and the physician for the type of exercise suiting your physical condition. They can help you develop an exercise plan. With the consent, one can do regular –
Doing regular exercise, even a few activities can help improve or maintain health during and after the treatment. It also helps in:
There is still less knowledge of the effects of certain physical activities carried out during the cancer diagnosis. But regular moderate exercise on a daily basis can help you improve the immune system. The adults can do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity like brisk walking every week. They can also get involved in muscle-strengthening activities on at least two days a week.
There are a number of benefits of the physical activities carried out by breast cancer specialists. But it is important to still consider a few points if you just had or still having treatment.
The patients are advised to avoid swimming while having the therapy as it affects the immune system of a person. The body is less stable to fight the infection and thus the patient is susceptible to any germs in the water. Chemotherapy can be frustrating for a person wanting to be physically active. But there will be times when one will be able to some type of activity. General exercise like walking helps boost energy and improves the mood. It is also possible to continue with other physical activities like yoga.
Swimming is strictly advised to avoid during radiotherapy as it can cause skin changes. Patients having radiotherapy may be advised to continue with arm and shoulder exercises. Also, gentle exercises can be done that feels comfortable, like walking, stretching, yoga, and pilates.
The therapy increases the risk of developing osteoporosis and it results in loss of strength and fragileness of bones. Weight-bearing exercises can help the stimulation of growth and strength of the bones. The hormone therapies also cause pain and joint stiffness. Get relief from the pain with regular exercise like walking or swimming. The exercises also help reduce hot flushes.
The type of surgery, recovery and fitness level before the surgery determines the amount of physical activity that can be carried out after the surgery. Many people feel well to start walking after a few days of surgery, while others need longer to rest. The shoulder and arm exercises are important to regain movement after surgery for breast cancer. It is advised not to lift or push with the arm on the side of the surgery or not to lift anything heavy. Ask the surgeon, breast care nurse or a physiotherapist to recommend exercises after the surgery.
Are you in a medical condition not to do any physical activity? Try to be as active as possible as even a small exercise can benefit your health. Ask the healthcare professionals about the most suitable activities during and after the breast cancer diagnosis.