About Breast Restore

Breast Restore has taken its shape and form after analysing thousands of breast cancer patients. The struggle and challenges a patient goes through during the treatment and after mastectomy are endless.

A Team of experts, healers and counsellors.
Not all women think and feel the same. We welcome you to our clinic to know more about what is holding you back after mastectomy. Breast Restore believes in complete consultation to the patients and their families about the impact mastectomy, and breast cancer has on them.
Our Counsellors, Yoga Practitioners and Dieticians help you through the transition. Life changes after you diagnose the lumps and cancerous mass in your breasts. We at breast restore, give you comprehensive guidance for breast cancer, your lifestyle before and after mastectomy and whether you should opt for breast reconstruction along the way.
Breast Reconstruction
Plastic surgeons and oncologists restore a breast to near normal shape, appearance, and size following mastectomy through the use of body tissues. This surgery is called breast reconstruction or breast restoration.

Dr. Ritesh Gupta
Graduated from: MIMSR Medical College: A young, dynamic Plastic Surgeon who works tirelessly to reconstruct the lives of cancer patients with several procedures. He believes that Breast Cancer in the body is cured with mastectomy. However, the remains of the social anxiety, lack of confidence and constant pity never cures the patient.
He has thus, pledged to rebuild the lives of breast cancer patients with different surgeries during and post-mastectomy. He works with several breast cancer patients to cure the patients of cancer as well as its emotional downfalls.
You can see him practising at any of these hospitals in Mumbai – BSES Global, HCG APEX Cancer hospital, Masina, Criticare, Sevenhills and Godrej hospital. Dr Ritesh has also obtained BOND POST-MCH from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He has even received training in cancer reconstruction in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tata Memorial Centre.
He has been a Visiting Consultant, Department of Plastic, Microvascular and Breast reconstruction surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea. Dr Ritesh’s key areas of focus are microsurgery, cancer reconstruction, hand surgery, breast reconstruction and he holds great knowledge and experience on these subjects. He has attended several conferences, seminars like APSICON, WSRM, ONCOSURG, ISRM, ISSHCON, APLAST and others.
Dr Ritesh has been a Faculty member for ONCORECON, Tata Memorial and Dent-O-Max, BSES in 2018. He understands the patient’s case very well and will appropriately recommend surgery and medical advice. This surgeon has the right and perfect Expertise when it comes to breast restoration and strongly believes in work ethics and is a man of integrity.
Breast Reconstruction in India
According to WHO- GLOBOCAN, breast cancer has struck India in Recent years. India had nearly 162,468 breast cancer cases in the year 2018. Cancer affects women in all life stages and age groups, however; the women above the age of 45 are at very high risk. In conditions, where the awareness about breast cancer is at a minimum, the women opting for breast reconstruction are far less.
Many breast removal surgeries for cancer are done every month in India, but less than one percent of patients go for breast reconstruction.
There are various reasons that breast reconstruction is not discussed or proposed to the patient. The cost of surgery, effectiveness and overall stress about cancer distracts patients from their long term well being.
Breast Reconstruction in India is looked upon as a cosmetic surgery than a right. There is a lot of myth and prejudice around breast reconstruction in general. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the reconstructive options. Several patients have to undergo chemotherapy after mastectomy, and gradually, these chemo sessions begin to take a toll on the woman’s mind. Once they are done with these sessions, they are mentally and physically exhausted. This is one of the reasons women forgo reconstruction regardless of financial situations.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery for Medical Tourists.
India is one of the most attractive medical tourism destinations in the world. Indian health providers are a unique combination of quality and affordability to their patients, thereby attracting many people from all over the world to gain treatment and medication. Since it becomes reasonable to go bear the medical costs in India, patients come from different continents of the world. Even breast reconstruction surgery expenses in India are affordable in comparison to other countries with a stark difference of 60% to 80%.
Reconstruction surgeries across the world are expensive. Whereas the Indian medical services are affordable as well provide excellent quality. Providing quality treatment and cost value is what makes Indian hospitals the best choice for patients seeking medical help.
At Breast Restore, we commit to helping people and improve the lives of breast cancer patients across the country. We incorporate the latest technology and superior tools for surgery and enabling the best services to the patients.
Life After Breast Restoration
Life after breast restoration seems different but is better than the breast cancer phase. The restoration does not give the normal feeling to your breast, but some feelings may return after years. It may take up to about 8 weeks for bruises to heal and you need to stay calm during this entire time. There will be a time when the woman who has undergone reconstruction or mastectomy may go through a period of emotional stress. The whole procedure right from diagnosis to surgery and then breast restore keeps playing in mind, and it takes time to accept the reconstructed breast as her own. Talking with other women who have had breast reconstruction will be of great help or with mental health therapists to ease out anxiety and different disturbing feelings. Breast Restoration reduces the psychological impact of the surgery and helps women find her self confidence again which helps during the recovery phase.