Being Woman
Every woman is beautiful. We don’t need to chase perfection because everybody is imperfect in this world. Instead, every person should learn to live and accept their imperfections while being aware of their bodies. However, women are conditioned to hide their issues, suppress their instinct and compromise. Women tend to talk less of their issues and seeking help is impossible for few women in India. With the outburst of working culture and 9 hours jobs, it has become very difficult for women to manage their work, homes and health together.
Women in India, cities and villages alike require self-help groups to educate them about several infections, diseases and much more. Women need to express their feelings and seek solutions in trustworthy groups.
When women come together, they talk and discuss issues in their lives and what they are going through. Most often, it’s a similar story which each of them can relate to, and hence the mutual feeling of being together. This is how the cultural events of Mangalgaur, Teej and even modern, elite kitty parties came to rise.
We live in an era where everyone is continually competing with each other. Young girls are trying to emulate film actress and famous, influential people. They draw comparisons and often feel dejected since they cannot be like them. So one should never compare themselves with others, you will never be happy. Eventually, your self-esteem and confidence will take a beating and everything for you may seem hopeless. Instead, focus on building yourself so that you can achieve all your goals and dreams in life. Maintain high levels of self-confidence that whatever people talk about you should not affect you.
Every woman should appreciate how their body looks. Women shall strive to be healthy, informed and aware of their body instead of just being concerned about external looks. Body image is a significant factor when it comes to the self-esteem of a person, it is the way how you think and feel about yourself as a person.
Women have become very conscious of the way people think or view their bodies. The women who let such thoughts get to their head, begin to show signs of low self-esteem and are not confident about anything. They are easily demotivated, and negativity is continuously fed in their minds. They lose their self-identity and confidence to live or take on life challenges. Hence females should not let that happen cause many people out there do not want you to succeed. They want to be superior and will manipulate you in several ways, so one should stay alert and know how to deal with such scenarios.
A woman of integrity will always have a strong, confident attitude towards life and the situations she encounters. They are full of enthusiasm to face each new day and overcome the problems they face. Even when they go through their moments of self-doubt but quickly rise back and take charge of their emotions. Such women understand and acknowledge their talents, personality traits, achievements, and drawbacks. So hence love yourself with all its inhibitions and always have a positive body image. Accept your shortcomings and don’t be harsh on yourself.
It so happens that very often, one woman cannot see the other one succeed or look more beautiful. The jealousy factor needs to be done away with since it does not let the feminine gender to bond well. It is observed that in every age group, be it, girls or elderly woman, they all seem to be judgemental of each other. Instead of being together, women usually are against one another, which certainly is of no good.
The judgemental nature in women to make several opinions about other females is very disappointing. They should stop being hard on themselves as well as with others of the same gender.
Women should focus on their goals and aspirations and not how to maintain their beauty or figure. When they barely communicate with each other, how will the stress levels get alleviated?
Studies indicate that people who feel connected with others have lower levels of anxiety and depression. Also, they are trustworthy and supportive and possess a high level of self-esteem, greater empathy for others. As a result, others are more receptive to them, open to trusting and cooperating with these people. The social connection amongst females creates a positive circle of social, emotional and physical well-being. Social relationships and interactions are required to maintain health and wellness. When people feel connected, there’s an increased sense of positive energy and life seems much simpler. Hence, social gatherings should be encouraged among female groups. Recent surveys conducted reveal that women can be more vulnerable to social isolation since they are unable to confide with anyone in the family truly. Being alone and having no one to talk can lead to anxiety, depression and other mental illness.
Many women have an innate emotional need for intimacy and connection. And when this need is fulfilled, they have higher levels of emotional well-being and self-confidence. Confident women find social relationships easier to make and maintain. When a confident woman speaks, she motivates and inspires others to share, engage and rise above everything. The social support groups provide emotional and practical advice, love, help, information, and understanding that several women are seeking.
It’s a well-known phrase that when happiness is shared, it gets multiplied and sadness, when shared, gets divided. Women go through similar biological, emotional, problems; hence, when other women help her face the situations, they bond on the most ultimate level. They can connect on this level because they can understand about issues the feminine gender goes through. The general distress becomes the base for their bonding with each other as they find comfort during tough days.
This bonding gives women the emotional strength and support they need to endure the stressful situations of life. Female bonding enables them to talk and share their feelings, deep desires, problems, and that alleviates their pain. They feel more comfortable talking to one another rather than to any male member of their family or friends. Female bonding gives a chance to those women to come out of their reserved space and explore the new possibilities that life throws at them. They feel energized and full of enthusiasm, determined to achieve their goals.
Being a woman in this world is not an easy task and is also a great privilege at the same time. She is a life-giver and is capable of enduring pain to the extreme limit. Since childhood, societal norms are placed in front of her, and she has to abide by them. As she grows up to become a beautiful young woman, there’s a constant battle within herself about various aspects. Nevertheless, she does everything required by her to do so and fulfils everyone’s expectations, sometimes, even sacrificing her dreams and happiness.