Ten foods that fight breast cancer and also reduce the risk of cancer growth in the body. Including these foods in regular diet helps a lot.
Dietary factors and habits are responsible for 25 to 45% of cancers detected, research suggests. Diet and choosing right foods plays a crucial role in how cancer cures. It is quite common to understand that breast cancer can start in different places and it grows in different ways that nobody can guess.
It is most important to consume nutritious food during the symptom of cancer or affected by cancer. Diet might be the second leading cause of cancer-related death in women, after lung cancer. It is quite true that single food or diet can neither prevent cancer nor cause of cancer.
The following are the foods that might play a role in a helpful diet in general that can even help in preventing the development or progression of breast cancer.
Kelp is one of the best options to lose weight and balance your hormones in a good form. It has been found that Kelp lowers estrogen production. It works like a hormone that needed for some breast cancers to grow. But here kelp can block that kind of the action of certain hormones, which can help in lower the risk of cancer. Kelp might be the latest lead in a hunt for foods that protect against breast cancer without any trouble.
To reduce cancer, Garlic plays the most important role and lowers the risk of certain types of cancer soon. Garlic has the active component called allicin that helps to kill off cancer cells in multiple test-tube studies.
This is also the source of weight loss but somewhere it helps to reduce the risk of growing cancer. However, there is no real evidence that green tea might help to treat cancer. There is some evidence from early studies that recommend that having green tea might reduce the wide range of risk of some cancers. It gives them some control over cancer and its treatment always threats for cancer when there is no option for the treatment.
Spinach is a green vegetable and a very good source of vitamin B which is necessary for proper cell division. These cells for stymies changes to DNA that may lead to breast cancer. It is very easy to cook and consume without facing any trouble and also it could be the best treatment for breast cancer disease instantly.
The doctors recommend that eating a quarter of a grapefruit daily might increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Grapefruit is a good course of vitamin C and has a lot of nutrition to fight with cancer. In addition to this, several phytochemicals have healthy protective effects.
Tomato is one of the good sources of vitamin C and it is very easy to consume like a fruit. Tomato produces Lycopene compound that is responsible for its vibrant red, color as well as its anti-cancer properties. Increased intake of lycopene and tomatoes lead to a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
Avocados are good source of healthy fats. It is a stone food with a creamy texture that grows in warm climates. It helps meet the potential benefits such as improving digestion, decreasing the risk of depression, and protection against cancer.
Pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants, have also been linked to improved heart health. The crunchy seeds of a pomegranate are well provided with elegiac acid. This is a potent antioxidant that inhibits an enzyme that plays a role in breast cancer development.
Adding ground flaxseeds into the diet decreases cell growth in breast tissue as well. It is said that both flaxseed oil and lignans are capable to reduce breast tumour growth and spread, even for ER- cancer cells.
Artichokes are associated with the most amazing nutrients that boost health and protect a patient against cancer. It is low in fat but high in fibre and loaded with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium.
A patient can consume it easily like a fruit and vegetable to protect against radiation of cancer. A breast cancer patient should control her diet and other things such as smoking, physical activity levels, and body weight. It is important to take care of a person’s dietary choice that can make a difference in their risk of developing breast cancer.