Four Things to do to reduce the risk of breast cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a form of cancer developed in cells in the breast. It usually starts in the milk ducts that carry milk to the nipple. It’s one of the most common forms of cancer detected in women. Although it is mostly detected in women there are rare cases in which they are detected in men as well. Breast cancer does not have an age number. It is true that it mostly strikes in the age group of 40’s it is not uncommon for it to be detected at a young age as well. Like any form of cancer, symptoms of breast cancer are hardly recognizable. They include a lump in the breast, nipple discharge, change in skin and texture of the breasts, slight pain, etc.

Breast cancer affects the morale of the woman and she goes through a whirlwind of emotions. Breast cancer affects the life of a woman in several ways because the treatment begins to change the way they look and feel about their life and body.

There can be multiple reasons to develop cancer be it family history or Inherited genes or Radiation. But there are also various ways you can avoid the risk of developing cancer. Prevention is always better than cure. Small changes in your lifestyle, eating habits and a few more preventive measures can overall reduce the risk of breast cancer.


A person’s dietary choices can be a contributing factor in decreasing the risk of developing cancer. A balanced diet rich in proteins and vitamins can be very helpful in preventing the growth of cancerous tumours

  • What to Eat

A Mediterranean diet blends in the perfect combination of proteins, vitamins, and required fats.It consists of Extra-virgin olive oil with nuts. It also includes food in raw forms like fruits and vegetables. Apart from the Mediterranean diet other things to include in your diet should food which are a rich source of fibre and antioxidants.
You can include legumes, grains, and beans as they are a rich source of fiber.
Food which contains antioxidants like berries, spinach, turmeric, Cruciferous vegetables, Green tea, dark leafy vegetables should also be included in our diet as antioxidants help prevent cells from damage. Increasing intake of salads and vegetables. Switch to healthy fats instead of the harmful ones like eating fish instead of red meat, using extra virgin olive oil instead of butter
Keep your diet low fat based consuming fats only when required.

Include food with anti-inflammatory properties. For eg spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, nuts such as walnut, almond, fishes like salmon, tuna, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, fruits like berries, oranges, etc. While consuming dairy products make sure that they are low-fat products.

  • What to Avoid

Limit the intake of alcohol. Alcohol may increase the estrogen level which is cancer receptor hormone which in turn increases the risk of breast cancer. Avoid consumption of processed food and harmful fats. Replace red meat with other available options.


Exercise is like Multiple problems, one solution. Now we know that’s simply exaggerating it but we cannot deny that exercise does help us in many ways. It not only helps you stay physically fit but helps with mental health by dealing with anxiety, depression, fatigue. Exercise helps you shed unnecessary weight which can be one of the contributing factors which increase the risk of breast cancer. Keeping a healthy heart and being stress-free in general does reduce the risk of developing cancer. You don’t have to exercise intensely always, it’s the small basic changes that you need to make in your routine to stay healthy. Exercise also helps greatly in increasing your immune system. For eg: Start your day with a walk or a jog, Use staircase instead of the lift, While talking on your mobile switch to walking instead of sitting and talking. Practice simple yoga, breathing exercises, stretching. Staying healthy and in good weight is especially necessary for women as it helps in the regular menstrual cycle. Hence you produce less estrogen which in turn reduces the risk of breast cancer.


Small Lifestyle changes can go a long way in reducing the risk of Breast Cancer. With everything being at the tip of the finger movements of the body have more and more limited. We do not want to go out, we need everything at the place. Most of us follow a sedentary lifestyle which restricts our daily movement which in return limits our physical activity. In order to develop a healthy lifestyle, we can start with little things:

  • Avoid Alcohol and Smoking.
  • Physical Exercise.
  • Minimal Radiation Exposure.
  • Healthy Eating.
  • Keeping Weight in control.
  • Avoiding Birth Control Pills.
  • Breastfeeding for at least 1-2 years
  • Avoiding Stressful Environment.


Breast Cancer does not have an age limit the earlier the detection better can be the cure. Mammography Screening is a test that helps detect Breast Cancer. In Mammography, the breast is placed between two plates and low energy rays are passed on it. Mammography can be used as a preventive measure for those who have a high risk of developing cancer. Mammography checkups should be done frequently or at least once a year. The procedure is not necessarily painful but one might experience slight discomfort. You get the result within a span of a few weeks. The cost of Mammography ranges between Rs.500/- to Rs.2000/-.

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