Women who are diagnosed with breast cancer undergo mastectomy and get their breasts removed. Breast reconstruction surgery is a breast recreated making use of an implant or body tissue. It is the creation of new breast shape, or mound, using surgery. It may be done after the removal of the whole breast – mastectomy or part of the breast. Reconstructed breasts do not have a nipple but can be created with surgery and tattooing.
Breast reconstruction is a procedure wherein medics restore shape to your breast after mastectomy. This procedure does not create the exact look and feel of your natural breast. The creation of your new breast restores the incompleteness you feel after doing the mastectomy.
The breast reconstruction process can begin soon after your mastectomy and is known as immediate reconstruction. Or the woman does it later like after a couple of years and this is called delayed reconstruction. The patient who is getting their breasts reconstructed has to do multiple operations even if they opt for immediate reconstruction.