Know How to keep cancer away with these seven tips.
It is simple, get right sleep, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, monitor water intake and much such simple changes to your lifestyle. Lifestyle is a major deal breaker or deal maker in case of long term health issues.
Science has still not found a sure way to prevent breast cancer; however, there are ways to reduce the risk of getting it. Follow these 7 steps to reduce the risk of breast cancer, and they will have a significant impact on the way of living. Women should lead a healthy life and keep disease at bay. There are few guidelines to follow so that one can live a healthy life and live happily. Given below are the preventive and useful tips every woman should consider for a better life.
Keeping a healthy weight
Being obese increases the risk of breast cancer and so women who have reached menopause should be careful as women tend to gain weight at that age. A woman should get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, and that will significantly benefit her overall health and well-being. Idleness and obesity have been linked to breast and colorectal cancer and other physical ailments. So maintaining an ideal weight is very important to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Exercising regularly
Exercise can also greatly benefit women to avert the dangers of breast cancer. Recent study reports indicate that regular exercise is beneficial for the body and reduces the risk of getting any kind of disease or illness. Doing a considerable distance of brisk walking every day is recommended. Women should walk more and not sit idle as sitting for an extended period increases the risk of breast cancer. Hence doing exercise every day has excellent health benefits and keeps the body in shape as well.
Getting enough sleep
Sleeping seven to eight hours is essential. Disruption in biological clock causes abnormalities in several body functions and increases the chances of developing cancers. Overnight shifts for several years may reduce levels of melatonin, encouraging disease to grow. Getting the right amount of sleep is an essential part of maintaining a healthy weight and staying fit. Hence every woman should focus on keeping a proper sleep schedule, regular exercise, healthy diet and limit caffeine, alcohol or nicotine intake.
Limiting alcohol intake
Research done by several Indian and international scientists demonstrates a strong linkage between alcohol and developing risk cancer. There is a high chance of getting breast cancer with high levels of alcohol consumption, and so the intake needs to be limited. Women who regularly consume more than four bottles of beer or five glasses of wine have a 40 per cent higher chance to fall vulnerable to breast cancer. Hence this drinking lifestyle needs to be changed if they want to lead a life that does not involve medication, treatments, and hospital visits.
Breastfeeding babies
Breastfeeding plays a significant role in breast cancer prevention. The longer you breastfeed, the better the protective effect. Women who breastfeed their babies for long periods have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who do not breastfeed. Hence if you can breastfeed your baby, then do so because it is suitable for both the baby and yourself. Studies suggest that breastfeeding is likely to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Breastfeeding allows the mother to create a unique, powerful, physical and emotional connection with her baby.
Having healthy food
Women can reduce the risk of cancer by eating a nutritious diet which includes five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit daily. Have a low intake of red meat and sugar products, and it will undoubtedly keep breast cancer and other ailments at bay. Maintaining a proper diet that is full of nourishment and so a healthy diet plays a pivotal role in preventing breast cancer. Hence stick to fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk and to stay fit. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Limit red meat and cut out processed meats.
Regular mammogram
Regular medical checkups give all the early signs and warnings to work upon any disease. It’s better to know about any disease at an earlier stage before it’s too late. Women are recommended to go for mammography when they cross 40 years of age and beyond to check for any trace of breast cancer. Doctors advise mammograms every year, and even the woman should do the clinical breast exams and self-exams to know if cancer is lurking around. So every woman should decide to give up unhealthy lifestyle and begin to adopt ways that are beneficial for her overall well-being. Instead of crying when breast cancer strikes, why not take preventive measures to reduce the risks. The above mentioned tips are easy to do and just require dedicated focus and strong will-power.